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Tuesday 11th February
10.30 - 13.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa and sea buckthorn that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential, which we can supply.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
Tuesday 10th December
10.30 - 13.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa and sea buckthorn that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
Work Party
Cancelled due to Storm Bert
and Yellow Weather Warning
Sunday 24th November
10.30 - 12.30 hrs
Management of the Tree Saplings
Meet at the bench in the woods near the Haul Road western crossing. We shall be clearing the undergrowth from around our tree saplings.
We have various tools for the work, but do feel free to bring your own if you wish.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
Winter Talk
Thursday 21st November
St Austell Bay Seagrass Seeds
What do the
Ocean Conservation Trust
do with them?
Venue: Gott Hall, Par Green, PL24 2AF
Time: 19.30 hrs (Doors open at 19.00 hrs)
Cost: Free for FoPB members. £3.00 for non-members.
The first of our Winter Talks! Come and hear how important St Austell Bay seagrass seeds are from the Ocean Conservation Trust. Our bay is one of the areas used to harvest seeds to support their seagrass regeneration projects.
Tuesday 12th November
10.30 - 13.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
Sunday 27th October
10.30 - 12.30
(Remember that the clocks go back at 02.00 am)
Management of the Tree Saplings
Meet at the Sculpture at the Western end of the Access Road. We shall be clearing the undergrowth from around our tree saplings.
We have various tools for the work, but do feel free to bring your own if you wish.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which is all inclusive including refreshments.
Maximum 6 per table - no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment it is recommended to book a table with Phil on 01726 817396.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Phil or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.
Publicity Film
Thursday 26th September 2024
11.00 to 12.00 hrs
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut
Making Space for Sand (www.makingspaceforsand.co.uk/) are looking for Friends of Par Beach volunteers to be part of a publicity film they are producing to showcase their project. It will involve their own team and Cornwall Council and take place within Par Dunes. Making Space for Sand have, and continue to be, very supportive of FoPB and this is an opprtunity to show our thanks.
Shoresearch Survey
Thursday 19th September 2024
11.30am - 2.30am
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut
Booking is via Eventbrite - www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2024-09-19-shoresearch-par-beach?
If you'd like to learn more about surveying rockpools, this could be for you! Join us and Cornwall Wildlife Trust as we get Par on the survey map and calendar.
Join us for SHORESEARCH WEEK 2024 and sharpen your rocky shore identification skills! Every year, our dedicated volunteers conduct surveys across Cornwall's incredible intertidal zone. Team up with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust marine department and intertidal specialists as we explore five of Cornwall's Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs) during the lowest equinoctial tides of the year. Don't miss this chance to contribute to vital marine conservation data while expanding your knowledge of Cornwall's diverse marine life!
Participants will be divided into teams to conduct quadrat surveys along transects, starting from the high shore and extending down to the water's edge at low tide. After completing the survey, you'll have time to explore the low shore as the tide turns. Once the survey is done, we'll ensure all species observed are recorded, along with the main habitat types they were found in, estimates of their abundance, and related photographs.
Who can attend Shoresearch Week 2024?
If you're eager to learn and willing to dedicate a few hours of your time, you're more than welcome to join us! Prior knowledge of marine life isn't required, but any existing expertise is super valuable. Please note that the rocky shore can be slippery and challenging to navigate, so participants should be fit and mobile. We ask that anyone under 18 be accompanied by an adult, and due to the nature of the surveys and the challenging conditions, these events are not suitable for children under 12.
Sunday 22nd September
10.30 - 12.30
Management of the Wildflower Meadow
Meet at the Sculpture at the Western end of the Access Road. We shall be digging up the invasive brambles and water dropwort that has established itself in the wildflower meadow.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
Overview of activities of Friends of Par Beach from 2023 - 2024
for information at the 14th AGM
Thursday 19th September 2024 at 19.00
The Gott Hall, Par Green, PL24 2AG
Another year on and I'm delighted to say that Friends of Par Beach continues to grow and develop, bringing you (I hope) a variety of opportunities to get involved and learn more about nature around our wonderful site. Thanks to a highly active and committed committee, we have had another excellent year of events and activities and have benefitted from generous donations, both of time, equipment and expertise.
Our collaboration with Making Space for Sand (MS4S) and Dynamic Dunescapes has involved running joint training sessions to help volunteers identify invasive plant species amongst Par Dunes (led by Budding Nature), being given some much needed additional equipment to assist in removing these invasive plants during work parties and training to use specialist equipment. You'll be hearing about further exciting plans during the MS4S presentation after the AGM.
In February, we held our usual `Love Your Beach' event in conjunction with Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Like 2023, in addition to a big Beach Clean, we added Sand Art with a Seahorse theme resulting in some wonderful creations and highlighting the risk that the proposed South West Water desalination plant would pose to such vulnerable creatures, known to live in our bay.
March 2024 saw the return of Tim McGrath to lead us on another bird walk/talk around the site, which is always a treat and well attended. In April we began to put in the 5 rubbing posts that we purchased with the Magic Little Grant we were awarded in 2023. We've had such good feedback about them that we will be purchasing a further 5, so that we can extend the Nature Trail around the site that we launched in August!
In June, we were delighted to welcome back Dan Ryan of the Three Bays Wildlife Group to lead us in a wildflower walk around the dunes and wildflower meadow. It was fun to hear from one of the participants why we had Mediterranean daffodils in the dunes - because he brought them back from Portugal! We were also invited to have a stand at Tywardreath School's Swimming Pool Jubilee celebrations, which was a wonderful day and resulted in a great marine art scene!
In July we held our first Silent Disco Beach Clean, thanks to Cornwall Wildlife Trust. With CWT support, several members are now trained up to assist with Snorkelling Seagrass Surveys. The data generated complements and enhances existing information, accessing areas of St Austell Bay that are too shallow for boat surveys. There will be further collaboration under the funding umbrella of the CWT's `Tor to Shore' project that commences in September.
In August we held our first Rockpool Ramble, along the manmade groynes by the Time and Tide Bell. It is amazing to see how old barrels and concrete have now become a haven for different seaweeds, crabs, anemones, mussels, limpets and whelks - to name but a few of our finds! Our annual Bat Walk in August was as popular as ever.
We have been pleased to collaborate, support and encourage the Friends of St Andrew's Wetland's Reserve as they grow their organisation. It was great to hold a joint event with them to host Ian McCarthy's Otter talk at Gott Hall in January. We also work closely with Friends of the Fowey Estuary and Three Bays Wildlife Group, sharing information between groups and flagging up events that may be of interest.
Finally, I am extremely grateful to all our committee members who are so generous with their time, energy and enthusiasm and to all our regular volunteers at work parties, without whom, we wouldn't have made the impact we have. Here's to another active year from 2024-2025.
Kind regards, Jenny Tagney, FoPB Chair.
Rubbing Posts Nature Trail
When: Thursday 22nd August 13.30hrs (1.30pm)
Meet: Friends of Par Beach hut
opposite Par Beach Cafe.
Have you found our Nature Trail Rubbing Posts around the dunes and nature reserve? Come and try them out with map, pencils, crayons and paper provided!
Prizes for the best rubbings! Judging at 15.00hrs (3.00pm).
A free, family friendly event but children MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian please. We'll only cancel if very rainy on the day!
Dear Members,
Please find below all the information you need regarding the Friends of Par Beach 2024 Annual General Meeting.
Mike Freemantle, one of the founding members of Friends of Par Beach is standing down from the committee this year after 15 years. Without Mike, Friends of Par Beach would not be the organisation it has become. We're all so grateful for the solid foundations his leadership provided. I appreciate that not all of you will be able to attend the AGM but hope to see as many of you as possible so that we can show our appreciation of all the amazing work Mike has done.
Best wishes,
Jenny Tagney,
Chair, Friends of Par Beach
to be held at 19.00 on Thursday 19th September 2024
at The Gott Hall, Par Green, PL 24 2AG
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting, on Thursday 23rd September 2023 (2023 AGM Minutes pdf)
3. Chair's Report - Jenny Tagney
4. Treasurer's Report - Janice Hillier
5. Election of Committee and Officers
i) Chair
ii) Secretary
iii) Treasurer
iv) A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 ordinary Committee Members.
6. Resolutions - Changes to the Constitution: (Constitution pdf)
i) Existing - The Committee will meet a minimum of 6 times a year.
i) Proposed - The Committee will meet a minimum of 10 times a year.
ii) Existing - The quorum of the Committee shall be 4.
ii) Proposed - The quorum of the Committee shall be 5.
7. Any Other Business
Jenny Tagney email jennytagney@gmail.com telephone 07799 258379
In the absence of a secretary, apologies for absence and nominations for officers and committee members may be sent in advance to Jenny Tagney (contact details above) showing the post, the name of the person nominated and the proposer. Any member may volunteer for a post, or be nominated, at the AGM. In the event of more nominations than posts available, a vote will be held.
Posts for election are:- i) Chair ii) Secretary iii) Treasurer
A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 other Committee Members should be appointed at the AGM.
Resolutions may be proposed by any member at the AGM or in advance to Jenny Tagney by Thursday 12th September. A seconder can be obtained in advance or at the AGM.
The current committee comprises: Jenny Tagney - Chair, Facebook Admin; Janice Hillier - Treasurer, Membership admin; Phil Gadd - Website, Events coordinator, Time and Tide Bell Liaison; Richard Parks - Time and Tide Bell Liaison; Nick Hillier - Committee Member, Bathing Water Quality Liaison, Simon Tagney - Committee Member, Water Quality Monitoring, Technical support, Brian Harrisson - Committee Member, Water Quality Monitoring, Time and Tide Bell Liaison, Mike Freemantle - Committee Member, Nina Harding - Committee Member, Calendar Coordinator, Laura Hackett - Committee Member.
Immediately following the AGM we will have light refreshments available and time to meet fellow members and the committee. At 20.00 (approx.) we will reconvene, and you are cordially invited to a presentation about Par Beach Sand Dunes.
Why are Par Dunes so special?
Find out and hear how to protect them.
Guest Speakers:
Emily Cooper, Cornwall Wildlife Trust CEC
Jolyon Sharpe, Making Space for Sand Project.
Bat Walk/Talk
When: Saturday 24th August, 8.30 - 10pm
Where: Friends of Par Beach hut, opposite Par Beach Cafe.
Cost: Members
free, non-members £3.50 (cash only).
Membership costs £5 per individual, £8 per family and means
you can attend all future events free! You can join on the night!
Come and try being a
bat detective!
We often see common pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle, Daubenton's and
occasional Greater Noctule
around the dunes, woodland and bird lake areas. Cornwall Bat Group kindly provide bat detectors for you
to try! Popular with adults and children alike.
Rockpool Ramble
(National Marine Week)
When: Wednesday 7th August 11.15am
Meet: Friends of Par Beach hut
opposite Par Beach Cafe.
We'll be looking in pools near the Time and Tide Bell. What might we find? This starfish was found there!
Wear wellies/jellies or sand shoes. Bring any ID guides you have. We'll bring specimen trays and guides to assist you. A free, family friendly event but children MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian please. We'll only cancel if very rainy/windy on the day!
For updates, please scan the QR code
Sunday 28th July
10.30 - 12.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
or phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Silent Disco Beach Clean
with Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Wednesday 26th June
16.30 (4.30pm) - 18.00 (6.00pm)
Join us at the Friends of Par Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe for a beach clean that will have you dancing. We will be bringing the headphones as they connect via Bluetooth to our system. Just come along ready to dance.
Sunday 23rd June
10.30 - 12.30
Management of the Wildflower Meadow
Meet at the Sculpture at the Western end of the Access Road. We shall be digging up the invasive brambles and water dropwort that has established itself in the wildflower meadow
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
or phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
What: Wildflower walk along the dunes and Local Nature Reserve.
Where: Meet at Friends of Par Beach Hut, opposite Par Beach Cafe.
When: Wednesday, 5th June, 16:00 hrs (4pm)
Cost: Free for FoPB members, £3.50 (cash only) for non-members.
A relaxed, informative and educational wildflower walk/talk with Dan Ryan, from the Three Bays Wildlife Group, over the dunes and surrounding areas, exploring plants and natural history of Par Beach and Local Nature Reserve.
Suitable for all knowledge levels.
Sunday 26th May
10.30 - 12.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Sculpture at the Western end of the Access Road. We shall be digging up the invasive brambles and water dropwort that has established itself in the wildflower meadow and lower orchid field.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Quiz Night
Wednesday, 8th May 2024
Venue: Scout Hall, Moorland Road, Par
Time: 19.15 for 19.30 hrs
Cost: £5.00 per person
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which covers cocktail pasty, tea, coffee or squash AND free entry into our prize Music Game.
Maximum 6 per table - no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment and to secure your pasties (meat or cheese & onion) it is recommended to book a table with Mike on 01726 816454.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Mike or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.
Tim McGrath, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
When: 07.45 for 08.00 start.
Sunday 5th May 2024.
Where: Par Beach Western Car Park
relaxed, informative and educational bird ID talk/walk along Par Beach and
Nature Reserve. Tim's walks are suitable for beginners and experts alike. He's
always very grateful if there are local birders around to share knowledge and
Cost: Free to members. £3.50 non-members.
on the day! Annual membership is £5 for an individual, £8 for a couple/family.
Sunday 28th April
10.30 - 12.30
Control of Invasive Species
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
or phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Sunday 24th March
10.30 - 12.30
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
If you arrive late just walk over the dunes by our hut and you will probably be able to see us on the lower dunes to the left.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
or phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Ranger Work Party
Woodland Management
Monday 19th February.
10.00 - 15.00 hrs
Meet: The Statue at the Western End of the Beach Access Road.
Location: The Western area between the Wildflower Meadow and Haul Road access point.
Our ranger, Jenny Heskett will be on site with a team to undertake some woodland management.
All are welcome to join them at anytime that suits. Bring your own refreshments.
Love Your Beach
Sunday 11th February
10.30 - 12.30
Par Beach Clean + Art Activities
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe
Come and join us.
We'll have additional artistic activities too - involving making patterns in the sand.
We've requested dry weather but suggest good boots or wellies, gloves and warm waterproof clothing to make the best of whatever nature throws at us!
We hope to see you there!
Sunday 28th January
10.30 - 12.30
Come and join us for the first Work Party of 2024.
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe. We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own tools.
If you arrive late just walk over the path by our hut and you will probably be able to see us on the lower dunes.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
For More Information phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Otters in Our Area
a talk by
Ian McCarthy
Local naturalist and acclaimed natural history film-maker
Friends of St Andrew's Wetlands reserve and Friends of Par Beach are hosting a talk by Ian Mccarthy as a fund-raising event, for the Wild Otter Trust.
Along with the talk there will be a raffle and refreshments.
Gott Hall, Par Green, Par. PL24 2AG
Thursday 11th January 2024
7.30pm start (doors open from 7pm)
FREE ENTRY a suggested donation of £5 to the Wild Otter Trust will be welcome.
All profits donated to help the Wild Otter Trust's vital work.
Ranger Work Party
Woodland Management
Monday 4th December. 11.00 - 15.00 hrs
Location: The Western area between the Wildflower Meadow and Haul Road access point.
Our ranger, Jenny Heskett will be on site with a team from Tavistock to undertake some woodland management.
All are welcome to join them at anytime that suits. Bring your own refreshments.
Sunday 26th November
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach hut opposite the cafe (closed for the winter). We shall be digging up the invasive rosa rugosa that has established itself in the lower dunes.
We have spades, mattocks etc, but do feel free to bring your own.
If you arrive late just walk over the path by our hut and you will probably be able to see us on the lower dunes.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has joined us during 2023 and we look forward to seeing you all again on Sunday 28th January 2024.
Thick gloves are essential.
Tea/coffee and biscuits break mid-morning
More information at parbeach.com
or phone Mike on 01726 816454 or 07412 425625
Night Sky
What: Learning about the Night Sky.
Where: The Gott Hall, Par Green. PL24 2AF.
When: Friday, 17th November, 19.00hrs (7pm).
Cost: Free for FoPB members. £3.50 (cash) for non-members.
Membership of FoPB is £5.00 per person, £8.00 for a couple/family, for a year and entitles you to attend any future events or talks free. Might be worth considering? And you can join on the night.
Friends of Par Beach are delighted to invite you to an evening learning about the Night Sky with Brian Sheen, astronomer from the Roseland Observatory. We are planning an indoor 'planetarium' style event but telescopes will be available if the sky is clear.
Ranger Work Party
Thursday 2nd November
09:30 to 14.00
Pathway and Undergrowth Clearance.
Meet at the Sculpture at the Western end of the Beach Access Road.
We will be working with our Cormac Site Ranger plus Cornwall Wildlife Trust volunteers so a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and care for the Nature Reserve.
Please wear sturdy footwear and suitable gloves.
Bring your own refreshments.
Meet: At the FoPB Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe.
Sunday 27th August 2023
10.30 - 12.30
Clearing Poplar Tree Shoots
Meet at the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be continuing our work in and around the lower Wildflower Meadow area.
Cutting and Digging tools will be provided. Do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear and clothing.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Guided Walk at Breney Common Nature Reserve
Led by Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Reserves Officer
Monday 31st July at 5.00pm
Meet at Gunwen Chapel (PL30 5DU or SX052612)
1 Hour Walk - suitable for families followed by Refreshments in the Chapel, including a virtual treasure hunt.
For more information contact:
Sunday 23rd July 2023
10.30 - 12.30
Details to Follow
Refreshments will be provided.
Sunday 25th June 2023
10.30 - 12.30
Details to Follow
Refreshments will be provided.
What: Wildflower walk along the dunes and Local Nature Reserve.
Where: Meet at Friends of Par Beach hut, opposite Par Beach Cafe.
When: Saturday, 10th June, 10:30
Cost: Free for Friends of Par Beach members, £3.50 (cash) for non-members.
Places are limited so please book by contacting jennytagney@gmail.com or via FB messenger. You can still pay on the day if not a member.
Join Friends of Par Beach and Dan Ryan from the Three Bays Wildlife Group for a gentle walk over the dunes and surrounding areas, exploring the plants and natural history of Par Beach and Local Nature Reserve.
We'll talk about what makes Par so special and how it has been shaped by a combination of natural forces and human activity. We will meet some common dune plants and hopefully some of the rarer and peculiar plants that call Par home.
We'll walk for about 2 hours along a mixture of sand and made paths so wear sturdy shoes. If it's sunny, the dunes may be very hot so please consider a hat, sun-screen, water and snacks. If you have a wildflower field guide or eye glass you might also like to bring them, but no need to buy anything especially for this walk.
Suitable for complete beginners and those with more advanced knowledge.
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which covers cocktail pasty, tea, coffee or squash AND free entry into our prize Music Game.
Maximum 6 per table - no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment and to secure your pasties (meat or cheese & onion) it is recommended to book a table with Mike on 01726 816454.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Mike or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.
The After the
Time and Tide Bell
Sunday 28th May 2023
10.30 - 12.30
Wildflower Meadow Bramble Clearance
Meet at the Statue at the Western end of the Access Road.
We shall be digging up small brambles that survived our clearing in 2022. They are in early growth and it would be good to hit then hard again.
Digging tools will be provided. Do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear and clothing.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Dune Plant Identification Workshop
Par Beach
Wednesday 17th May 2023. 10.30 Start.
Meet at Howl Brewery.
(Booking essential see below)
Come and join us with Budding Nature to learn about the different plant species we have along Par Dunes and start learning to identify them. No previous knowledge required but it's a great opportunity to brush up your skills if you have previous experience. We are hoping to establish sufficient numbers of people to start formally surveying the dunes, so please do get in touch if you'd like to be part of that too.
We will meet from 10.15 for a 10.30 start at Howl Brewery to learn about the main groups of plants we're likely to encounter and then we'll head out to the dunes after lunch to put our new knowledge into practice! We aim to finish at around 3.30pm.
Places are free but limited to 16 so please email me on jennytagney@gmail.com to book your place.
Bring your own packed lunch.
We are extremely grateful to the Dynamic Dunescapes project for funding this session.
Date for your Diaries
Time and Tide Bell Inauguration Event
27th May - 12 to 5 pm
Dear members, As you will know our Time and Tide Bell was installed on the 20th April and we are very lucky to have a team of people helping us to celebrate in a big way! As the attached poster suggests, the Par-teee is an event not to be missed! Do come along if you can, we have supported the previous two events and they are lots of fun. A focal point this year is the children from Tywardreath School who will lead us in inaugurating the Bell.
Look forward to seeing you if you can be there, Best wishes, Jenny (Chair, Friends of Par Beach)
Sunday 23rd April 2023
10.30 - 12.30
Habitat and Pathway Creation
Meet at the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be continuing our work in and around the Wildflower Meadow area.
Cutting and Digging tools will be provided. Do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear and clothing.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Sunday 26th March
10.30 - 12.30
Sapling Nursery and Wildflower Meadow
Meet at the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be clearing the undergrowth where we have planted saplings and further work on the Wildflower Meadow
Cutting and Digging tools will be provided. Do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear and clothing.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Tree Planting
Thursday 16th March
10.00 to 13.00 hrs
Meet at the Sculpture at far end of the Access Road
Further to the Council cutting down some invasive Populars we are supporting the site Ranger to plant other native tree species and utilise the bark chippings from felling to create new habitat. The site is adjacent to our 3 and 9 year old saplings, opposite the Wildflower Meadow.
Anyone can join in with work parties, which have become social occasions as well as doing valuable work on Par Beach & Local Nature Reserve.
The ground is rough so please wear sturdy footwear. We have tools but do bring your own if you wish. We shall be using spades, forks and trowels.
Botany Workshop
Wednesday 15th March 2023
10.30 to 15.30 hrs
Join us to learn about different wild Cornish plants
Starts at Gunwen Chapel, near Breney Common and Helman Tor
Further details of this Free event and to Register here
++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++
Exploring St Austell's Blue Carbon
Thursday 30th March 2023
18.00 to 20.30 hrs
Talks by Sophie Pike, Seagrass Project Lead and Matt Slater, Marine Conservation Officer
Pattern Hall, Foundry Drive, St Austell. PL25 3FW
Sunday 26th February
10.30 - 12.30
Meet at the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be clearing the undergrowth in the area where we have planted saplings near to the access path across Haul Road to Par Green.
Cutting and Digging tools will be provided. Do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear and clothing.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Observing the Night Sky
with Brian Sheen from the Roseland Observatory
Saturday, 25th February at 19.00hrs (7.00pm)
Par Beach Cafe
We are delighted to invite you to another evening of observing the Night Sky from Par Beach with Brian Sheen, astronomer, from the Roseland Observatory.
If the weather permits we are hoping to observe the Moon, Orion, Mars and possibly the Orion Nebular, Jupitor and Venus, all through telescopes that will be available.
If the weather is unkind then Par Beach cafe have kindly made the upstairs community room available where Brian will talk and use some illustrations so that we can look for ourselves when we get a clear night.
The event is Free to FoPB members and £3.50 for non-members.
Do wear warm, waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear.
Love Your Beach
Sunday 19th February
10.30 - 12.30
Par Beach Clean + Art Activities
Meet at the Friends of Par Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe
Come and join us with friends from PL24 Community Association and Junior Parkrun to give Par Beach a Spring Clean!
We'll be joining the Cornwall Wildlife Trust Your Shore project in sieving sand samples for micro-plastics.
We'll have a couple of additional artistic activities too - involving making patterns in the sand.
We've requested dry weather but suggest wellies, gloves and warm waterproof clothing to make the best of whatever nature throws at us!
We hope to see you there!
Sunday 22nd January
10.30 - 12.30
Meet at the Meadow through the gate near the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be digging up brambles and flag iris that have established themselves as well as raking up any loose material from the smaller adjacent field.
Spades, forks, mattocks and rakes will be provided, but do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
Sunday 27th November
10.30 - 12.30
Meet at the Meadow through the gate near the Statue at the end of the Access Road.
We shall be digging up brambles and flag iris that have established themselves as well as raking up any loose material from the smaller adjacent field.
Spades, forks, mattocks and rakes will be provided, but do bring your own if you wish.
Please wear sensible footwear.
Bring your own 'bramble proof' gloves.
Refreshments will be provided.
G7 Task Day (3)
(G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery)
Sunday 30th October 2022
09.30 to 14.30 hrs
Don't forget to reset your clocks Saturday night
Management of Invasive Species
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut opposite the Par Beach Cafe
Please wear sensible footwear.
Bring your own refreshments or visit Par Beach Cafe.
23rd October 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Cutting back Foliage
Meet by the Sluice Gate opposite the White Hut
The foliage from Trees and Shrubs is encroaching the grass area between the footpath and the edge of the Bird Lake.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have various cutting tools but feel free to bring your own.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Quiz Night
Wednesday, 19th October 2022
Venue: Scout Hall, Moorland Road, Par
Time: 19.15 for 19.30 hrs
Cost: £5.00 per person
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and, the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which covers cocktail pasty, tea, coffee or squash AND free entry into our prize Music Game.
Maximum 6 per table - no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment and to secure your pasties (meat or cheese & onion) it is recommended to book a table with Mike on 01726 816454.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team, you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Mike or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.
G7 Events
(G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery)
Thursday 6th October 2022
18.00 to 20.30 hrs
Cornwall Good Seafood Guide
Talk and Cooking Demonstration
The Lost Gardens of Heligan
Further details of this Free event and to Register here
++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++
Sunday 9th October 2022
10.00 to 14.00 hrs
Seaweed Identification Training
Spit Beach, Par
25th September 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Management of Invasive Species
Meet by the Statue and Gate to the Orchid Field
We have identified a numbers of invasive plant species in the Orchid field and secondary dunes that need to be controlled, including sea buckthorn and rosa rogosa. The more of these we can dig out the better the field and dunes with thrive.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have various digging tools but feel free to bring your own.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
to be held at 19.00 on Thursday 22ndSeptember 2022 at
The Gott Hall, Par Green, PL24 2AG
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the 11thAnnual General Meeting, on Tuesday 21st September 2021
3. Chair's Report - Richard Parks
4. Treasurer's Report - Janice Hillier
5. Election of Committee and Officers
i) Chair
ii) Secretary
iii) Treasurer
iv) A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 ordinary Committee Members.
6. Resolutions
7. Any Other Business
Jenny Tagney email: jennytagney@gmail.com, telephone: 07799 258379
Nominations for Officers and Committee Members may be sent in advance to the Secretary showing the post, the name of the person nominated and the proposer. Any member may volunteer for a post, or be nominated, at the AGM
Posts for election are:- i) Chair ii) Secretary iii) Treasurer
A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 other Committee Members should be appointed at the AGM.
Resolutions may be proposed by any member at the AGM or, in advance to the Secretary (see above) by Thursday 15th September. A seconder can be obtained in advance or at the AGM.
The current committee comprises:
Richard Parks - Chair, Janice Hillier - Treasurer, Jenny Tagney - Secretary, Facebook Admin,
Phil Gadd - Events Co-Ordinator, Website, Facebook Admin,
Gill Butler - Education,
Nick Hillier - Committee Member, Simon Tagney - Committee Member
Mike Freemantle - Committee Member
Immediately following the AGM we will have light refreshments available and time to meet fellow members and the committee. At 20.00 (approx.) we will reconvene, and you are cordially invited to a presentation outlining the G7 Legacy for Nature Recovery project.
What is the G7 Legacy for Nature Recovery project and how might Par Beach benefit?
Guest Speaker, Colin Pringle,
Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Programme Manager for G7 Legacy for Nature Recovery Project for Natural England.
G7 Task Day (2)
(G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery)
Thursday 15th September 2022
09.30 to 14.30 hrs
Management of Invasive Species
Come whenever it suits and stay as long as you like.
Come find us in the Orchid Field by the statue or Western End of the beach.
We have identified a numbers of invasive plant species in the Orchid Field and Secondary Dunes that need to be controlled, including poplar seedings, bramble, some shrubs and crocosmia. The more of these we can dig out the better the field and dunes with thrive.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have various digging tools but feel free to bring your own.
Bring your own refreshments or visit Par Beach Cafe.
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 28th August 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Management of Invasive Species
Meet at the FoPB Beach Hut
We have identified a numbers of invasive plant species in the secondary dunes that need to be controlled, including sea buckthorn and rosa rogosa. The more of these we can dig out the better the dunes with thrive.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have various digging tools but feel free to bring your own.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Meet: At the FoPB Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe.
G7 Task Day
(G7 Legacy Project for Nature Recovery)
Tuesday 16th August 2022
09.30 to 14.30 hrs
Management of Invasive Species
Come whenever it suits and stay as long as you like.
Come find us in the Orchid Field or Western End of the beach.
We have identified a numbers of invasive plant species in the Orchid Field and Secondary Dunes that need to be controlled, including poplar seedings, some shrubs and crocosmia. The more of these we can dig out the better the field and dunes with thrive.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have various digging tools but feel free to bring your own.
Bring your own refreshments or visit Par Beach Cafe.
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 24th July 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Clearing the Ragwort
Meet in the Main Car Park by access gate
At this time of year we clear ragwort from the eastern third of the dunes to reduce the risk of ragwort seeds being blown onto neighbouring farm land.
Please wear sensible footwear.
Tools are not required as ragwort is pulled by hand.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 26th June 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Clearing the Reed Path
Meet opposite the old white Entrance Hut
We shall be cutting back and opening up the Reed Path which gives access to a quiet area adjacent to the Bird Lake which is ideal for Bird Spotters.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 29th May 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Cutting Back Selected Undergrowth
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut
We shall be cutting back selected undergrowth on the main and secondary dunes between the path from FoPB Hut and the Western Car Park.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Quiz Night
Wednesday, 11th May 2022
Venue: Scout Hall, Moorland Road, Par
Time: 19.15 for 19.30 hrs
Cost: £5.00 per person
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and, the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which covers cocktail pasty, tea, coffee or squash AND free entry into our prize Music Game.
Maximum 6 per table – no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment and to secure your pasties (meat or cheese & onion) it is recommended to book a table with Mike on 01726 816454.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Mike or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.
Sunday 24th April 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Clearing Access Routes
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut
We are cleaning up the access path opposite Park Leisure reception up to the seating area on top of the dunes. There is also an area of gorse to cut back between the reception area and Bird Lake.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Easter Fun Trail
Sunday 17th April
10.30 to 12.00
Come and join us for some fun exploring the beach and Local Nature Reserve with a chocolate surprise at the end.
Free for members and non-members just One Pound per child.
All children must bring at the very least one sensible adult.
Meet at FoPB Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe.
Sunday 27th March 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Clearing Gorse and Undergrowth
Meet at the Western Car Park
We are tidying the area in front of the seats at the Western Car Park. There are some gorse bushes to cut down and dig up as well as undergrowth, including bramble.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Friends of Par Beach are delighted to invite you to another evening of observing the Night Sky with Brian Sheen, astronomer from the Roseland Observatory.
Brian will explain how to view the exciting features of our Solar System, including:
And demonstrate some of the equipment that can be used.
In the event of poor weather conditions we have arranged with Par Beach Cafe to use their upstairs community room for a presentation with hot drinks available to purchase.
Time: 19:15 hrs (7:15 pm) onwards.
Cost: Free to FoPB Members (bring your membership card), 3 pounds for non-members* (children under 12 free).
Wear: Sensible footwear and clothing according to the weather.
Contact: If you have any queries please use the Contact Us page on our website or call Phil on 01726 817396.
Under 16s must be with a responsible adult.
* If not a member of FoPB, you can join at the event or online on our membership page. It is inexpensive and could be cheaper than paying for the event at the time, especially if joining as a family.
Sunday 27th February 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Widening the Access Path
Clearing Scrub around Trees
Meet at the Western Car Park
There is a bit more work left over from last month's Widening the Access Path. We would also like to cut down brambles/scrub around Trees on the Orchid Field, and there may be the opportunity to cut down the redundant saplings in the Lower Field.
Please wear sensible footwear.
We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Love Your Beach Clean-up
As part of Cornwall Wildlife Trust Love Your Beach Week we are holding a Love Your Beach Clean-up Day.
Help CLEAN OUR BEACH and Local Nature Reserve. Make a giant LOVE HEART in the sand.
Family event or come on your own or with friends.
Collect Litter Pickers and Bags from Friends of Par Beach Beach Hut opposite Par Beach Cafe.
Sunday 23rd January 2022
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Widening the Access Path
Meet at the Western Car Park where the Access Path heads towards Par River
Grass has encroached over the path over the years and urgently needs clearing back to the original width - that was wide enough to allow two wheelchairs to pass. This work, therefore, will be mainly scraping the grass off both sides of the path.
Please wear sensible footwear. We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish. We will primarily be using spades.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 28th November 2021
10.30 to 12.30 hrs
Scrub Clearance
Meet at the Sculpture at the far end of the Access Road
We shall be continuing our work in what is known as 'the lower orchid field' where there is a lot of scrub clearance between the existing trees to be completed as well as thinning out the invasive poplar saplings to be done.
The ground is roughish so please wear strong footwear. We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish. we shall be using spades, saws and sickles.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Sunday 24th October 2021
10.00 to 12.00 hrs
Tree Planting & Scrub Clearance
Meet at the Sculpture at the far end of the Access Road
Come and join other volunteers who will be adding 7 trees to the plantation started 7 years ago. Anyone can join in with what has become social occasions as well as doing valuable work on Par Beach & Local Nature Reserve.
We shall be planting 7 trees in what is known as 'the lower orchid field' and there is a lot of scrub clearance between the existing trees as well as thinning out the invasive poplar saplings to be done.
The ground is roughish so please wear strong footwear. We have hand tools, but do bring your own if you wish. we shall be using spades, saws and sickles.
Refreshments will be available
Working hard for Par Beach and the Environment
Quiz Night
Wednesday, 20th October 2021
Venue: Scout Hall, Moorland Road, Par
Time: 19.30 hrs
Cost: £5.00 per person
Join us for a fun night of questions, the picture quiz and, the enjoyable, prize Music Game.
Charge is just £5 per person, which covers cocktail pasty, tea, coffee or squash AND free entry into our prize Music Game.
Maximum 6 per table – no age restrictions.
In order to avoid disappointment and to secure your pasties (meat or cheese & onion) it is recommended to book a table with Mike on 01726 816454.
If you are on your own or there are not enough to form your own team you can still book a place(s) to join a mixed table.
There will not be a licensed bar, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you wish.
As well as the new Music Game there will be a raffle with a variety of prizes.
For further information ring Mike or use the Contact Us page on our website, please put 'Quiz Night' in the subject box.